Your Body Hears Everything Your Mind Is Talking About
YOUR BODY HEARS EVERYTHING, YOUR MIND IS TALKING ABOUT Your body is listening to all the conversations you are making within your mind 24x7 whether you want it or not. I know it's not always easy to deal with obesity and we always land up abusing our bodies with self-negative talks. Your self-negative talks cause can create stress and your body starts responding to what your mind is saying with increased inflammation, anxiety, stress, digestive issues, sleep problem, brain fog, and depression just to name a few. Stress is not just a silent killer, it creates action or inaction from your body which begins to scream internally. Despite fixing your diet and workout negative self-talk can create a lot of stress and impact your overall fitness journey. But want to know what is great? That you have TOTAL CONTROL over your thoughts and how you view your life and yourself. Being able to feed positive talks and positive vibes will make a bigger impact on your life. How do I do it by followi...