
 Ushapaan and its benefits

Drinking water straight after waking up in the morning is called Ushapaan.

💧 Balance Dosha inside of our body.

💧Promotes weight loss.

💧Stimulates digestion.

💧 Improves eyesight.

💧Metabolic disorder.


💧High cholesterol and bleeding disorder.

Basic guidelines for Ushapaan:
🔵Wake up at Brahma muhurta and practice Ushapaan.

🔵An ideal vessel for Ushapaan is a clay or copper vessel.

🔵People with slow digestion, high cholesterol, metabolism disorder, and diabetes should consume copper vessels to get benefited.

🔵Water can be lukewarm or at room temperature.

🔵Drink water in a sitting position.

🔵 Drink according to your thirst. Don't force yourself. Even a few sips are enough for some people while others drink around 4-5 glasses. Listen to your body and act accordingly.

🔵People with hyperacidity can drink coriander seed-infused water. Continue for 2 weeks and stop.
🔵For weight loss add lemon to it. Never mix honey in warm or hot water.

🔵Drinking hot water or tea increases hyperacidity. Stick to room-temperature water.

🔵Always drink water slowly, one sip at a time. Breathe after swallowing a glass of water.

A small lifestyle change can bring significant difference to our lives. Let's take one step at a time and fix it🤗


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