I asked you to wake up early, but how to make the best use of the time, is what I am going to discuss in this article. I am the biggest follower of Miracle Morning, a book by Hal Elrod. A must-read for all who are willing to wake up early and make each day count.
Waking up an hour earlier, and combining six of the most proven, most powerful personal development practices did make a lot of difference in my life.
The most important ritual to follow once you wake up early is DO NOT ENGAGE IN ANY SOCIAL MEDIA APP UNTIL YOU FINISH YOUR ROUTINE.
Morning Rituals: SAVERS

S- Silence/ Meditation

A- Affirmation

V- Visualisation

E- Exercise

R- Reading

S- Scribbling
Practicing silence gives mental stability and reduces stress. You can meditate by focusing on breathing, listening to music, guided meditation, and chanting. You can choose what helps you focus best.
Affirmations are a positive statement that induces positive thinking and self-empowerment. Just choose the area of your life you want to focus on and build a positive statement around and witness the magic happen.
Visualization is a practice that helps to visualize your dream as already complete and rapidly accelerates your dreams to come to reality. Visualization is effective because it harnesses the power of our subconscious mind.
As a part of the challenge, you can include your Surya Namaskar exercise or any workout of your choice. Workout early morning elevates our mood and keeps us fresh and active all day.
Make reading every morning a ritual for a successful life. The wisdom you get through it helps in a lot of real-life challenges. A successful person is always an excellent reader.
Scribbling is a fancy term for writing. You can write your checklist for the important task for the day. I also include writing gratitude statements in this section. So being thankful for everything I have in life and also that realization of working on my daily goals adds clarity to my day. I also end my day with the same process. Being thankful for the three positive outcomes of the day and crossing all the activities completed for the day.
You can pick and choose what you like from the above list or add anything you like to your morning routine. Trust me this gives such a beautiful start to my day that each day seems to be lived well, happily, and with contentment.
So what morning rituals do you follow?


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