Using Of Plastic

Using of plastic has become the biggest pain in the current era. Around 550000 thousand pieces of plastic are found in every square meter in the Atlantic ocean. If this continues there would be a serious problem our world has to address too in near future.
Effects of plastic on the human body:
Chemicals used in the manufacturing of plastic-like lead, mercury, cadmium comes in contact with humans directly or through seafood. The toxins like BPA found in plastic bottle containers can lead to fatal diseases like
🛑Cancer or increased risk of cancer.
🛑Immune system problem.

🛑 Changes in the development and behaviour of infants and children.

🛑 Hypothyroidism.

🛑 Astama.

🛑 Liver damage.

🛑 Kidney disease.

How to reduce plastic usage:

🍀 Carry water along and stop buying packaged water. Replace your plastic bottle with steel bottles.

☘ Carry your own cloth/ jute shopping bag.

☘ Store your food in glass or steel jars.

☘ Replace plastic tiffin with steel. Plastic tiffin is worst for your kids.

☘ Carry your steel or glass tiffin to parcel food from restaurants. Hot food when packed in plastic bags emit more toxins directly into the food.

☘ Remove all plastic microwave containers and replace them with glass.

These small steps could save you from many diseases and also make the world a better place to live in. Let's are the contributor towards this initiative🤗🤗


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