Dinacharya is a Sanskrit word where " Dina"- Day and "charya" means activity. So Dinacharya means activity performed to match our circadian rhythm or inner body clock.
There are mainly two cycles of Dinacharya:

1. First cycle ( Sunrise to Sunset)
☀ 6 am to 10 am signifies Kapha.

☀ 10 am to 2 pm signifies Pitta.

☀ 2 pm to 6 pm signifies Vata.

2. Second Cycle ( Sunset - Sunrise)
🌜6 pm to 10 pm signifies Kapha.

🌜10 pm to 2 am signifies Pitta.

🌜 2 am to 6 am signifies Vata.

✅Dinarcharya based on these cycles:
🌄 2 am to 6 am
✔Vata dosha is the most active time for dreaming, waking up, and excretion. The best time to start your day.

✔ Drinking two glasses of water detox your body and help in excretion.
🌄 6 am to 10am
✔ Kapha dosha is the most active and the body is capable of handling stress. This is the best time for a workout.

✔ Morning breakfast should be consumed in this time period.

🌄 10 am to 2 pm
✔ As the sun rises Pita dosha is more prominent and starts with the digestion process.

✔ 12- 1 pm is the ideal time for lunch. A little stroll after lunch helps in digestion.
🌄 2 pm to 6 pm
✔Vata dosha is dominant.

✔ Avoid naps after lunch as it may create an accumulation of kapha, which is not a healthy sign.

✔This is the best time for hobbies, walking just rest.
🌃 6 pm to 10 pm
✔Kapha dosha is more predominant.

✔ It relaxes the body and induces sleep.

✔ Sleep before 10 ideally 8-9 as per ayurveda.
🌃 10 pm to 2 am
✔ Pitta dosha is predominant.

✔ Repair of wear and tear of our body and muscle tissue happens in this period.

It takes 21 days to build habits let's work on making these healthy habits of living a healthy long beautiful life.


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