Age of menopause is not only the determinant of loss of fertility but also an invitation to midlife diseases and problems. In India, the menopausal age is lesser than in the western world. A systematic study revealed that Indian women reached Menopause way earlier (46.2) than the western world (51).

A recent study also shows that 4% of Indian women are experiencing early menopause at 29 to 34 years of age. It starts with irregular periods which later cease. One of the major causes of this is premature ovarian failure (POF).

POF is a condition where ovaries stop functioning before 40 years of age. With the current modern lifestyle, eating habits, stress, smoking and drinking habits, thyroid, and autoimmune disease, and poor nutrition could be some reasons for premature menopause.
If you observe symptoms like mood swings, change in period pattern, hot flashes, and sleeplessness do visit your gynecologist and you can get your blood tested for FSH ( Follicle-stimulating hormone) to determine the pre-menopause state.
Heredity also plays a role to determine menopausal age. Siblings, mother-daughter, and twins could have a similar menopausal age. Menopause is accelerated in women whose mother has experienced early menopause.
The beginning of menopause is the most crucial time in the life of women with a lot of physical and psychological symptoms. We should be educated and counseled about premenopausal symptoms and the benefits and risks involved in its treatment that can ease our journey through this difficult transition.

In the next article let's understand how lifestyle changes can help deal with menopausal symptoms and transition.


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